Awards and Recognition 2023



AAG recognised and awarded worthy and committed AAG members and Grant Awardees at the 2023 Annual General Meeting & AAG Research Trust Update. Congratulations to all worthy recipients of awards received for this year. Click on the dropdown arrow to see all the awardees for this year.
First NameLast NameDivisionDate AwardedAwardDescription
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JMAbdullahNSW16/11/2023Emerging Researchers in Ageing (ERA) Bursary for the 2023 AAG Conference recipientThe ERA bursary is provided in the form of subsidised AAG 2023 conference registration ($150 off the applicable registration fee)ERACONFBURS2023
KarlyBartrimQLD17/08/2023Qld Division ECR BursaryThe AAG QLD Division bursary is provided in the form of subsidised AAG 2023 conference registration ($375 off the applicable Full Conference registration fee)Qld Division ECR Bursary
FrancesBatchelorVIC16/11/2023AAG FellowThis award was established in 1999 to recognise high professional standing of members in any field of gerontologyAAG Fellow
LouiseBourchierVIC3/08/2023RM Gibson AwardeeProject: Exploring rural older adults' preferences for addressing sexual health and wellbeing in primary careRM Gibson Awardee
RebeccaBullinghamWA16/11/2023Emerging Researchers in Ageing (ERA) Bursary for the 2023 AAG Conference recipientThe ERA bursary is provided in the form of subsidised AAG 2023 conference registration ($150 off the applicable registration fee)ERACONFBURS2023
PeldenChejorWA16/11/2023WA Division Bursary to attend the AAG ConferenceRecipient of AAG WA Division bursary - student & early career member - to assist attendance at the 2023 AAG Conference on the Gold CoastWADIVBURSCONF
KristinaChelbergQLD17/08/2023Qld Division Student BursaryThe AAG QLD Division bursary is provided in the form of subsidised AAG 2023 conference registration ($375 off the applicable Full Conference registration fee)Qld Division Student Bursary
AruskaD'SouzaVIC3/08/2023RM Gibson AwardeeProject: Mobility matters! A head-to-head comparison of two mobility outcome measures in hospitalised older peopleRM Gibson Awardee
SallyDayNSW16/11/2023NSW Division Bursary to attend the AAG Conferencerecipient of AAG NSW Division - Student category - bursary to assist attendance at the 2023 AAG Conference on the Gold Coast.NSWDIVBURSCONF
TeresaDoneganVIC16/11/2023Emerging Researchers in Ageing (ERA) Bursary for the 2023 AAG Conference recipientThe ERA bursary is provided in the form of subsidised AAG 2023 conference registration ($150 off the applicable registration fee)ERACONFBURS2023
AlanaGallNSW3/08/2023Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Grant ProgramProject: Australian First Nations traditional medicine's role in improving utilisation of palliative care for First Nations Elders and our old peopleAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Grant Program
StephanieGarrattVIC19/10/2023Hal Kendig Research Development ProgramTitle of project: More than a clinical activity: Supporting aged care residents’ choice, dignity, and engagement with medication administrationHal Kendig Research Development Program
GizemGemikonakliNSW24/01/2023Helen Barrie National Prize for Student and Early Career Members AwardeeThe prize provides an opportunity for eligible AAG student and early career members to be recognised for their outstanding research contributions to ageing research and practice, and to provide a forum through which these contributions can be widely disseminated. (Awarded $1000)Helen Barrie National Prize Awardee
AnitaGohVIC16/11/2023AAG FellowThis award was established in 1999 to recognise high professional standing of members in any field of gerontologyAAG Fellow
IlsaHamptonVIC16/11/2023AAG Distinguished MemberThe AAG Distinguished Member award recognises members who have given outstanding service to AAG over many years, through serving on AAG State and Territory Divisional Committees and/or the AAG Board, and contributing to a range of activities towards AAG's purpose. This award was introduced in 1999. Nomination is made by AAG's State and Territory Division's members.AAG Distinguished Member
AbbyHaynesNSW19/10/2023Hal Kendig Research Development ProgramTitle of project: Delivering exercise in aged care services to improve quality of life: Co-designing the TOP-UP program appHal Kendig Research Development Program
DannyHillsVIC16/11/2023AAG FellowThis award was established in 1999 to recognise high professional standing of members in any field of gerontologyAAG Fellow
JaneHopkinsWA16/11/2023Emerging Researchers in Ageing (ERA) Bursary for the 2023 AAG Conference recipientThe ERA bursary is provided in the form of subsidised AAG 2023 conference registration ($150 off the applicable registration fee)ERACONFBURS2023
MelanieHoyleQLD3/08/2023Strategic Innovation AwardeeProject: CARE-SCI - Co-designing Actionable Recommendations to Enhance support for older adults with Spinal Cord Injury navigating age-specific policyStrategic Innovation Awardee
AislinnLalorVIC16/11/2023AAG FellowThis award was established in 1999 to recognise high professional standing of members in any field of gerontologyAAG Fellow

We were also delighted to be able to present some of them at the Conference on the Gold Coast


The 2023 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research focus awardees

The AAG Research Trust is committed to funding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led initiatives. Key to this goal is a separate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Review Panel to lead and support the selection of Indigenous-focused applications.

Dr Alana Gall - Southern Cross University
Australian First Nations traditional medicine's role in improving utilisation of palliative care for First Nations Elders and our old people

Kevin Taylor - Flinders University
Co-designing the implementation of the Good Spirit Good Life training package with aged care services

For information on the amounts of the awards and the aims of these projects please click here.

Click here for more information about the AAG Research Trust Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Focus.

The 2023 Hal Kendig Research Development Program Awardees

Professor Hal Kendig was as a leader and a powerful influence in shaping a national and international discourse on ageing, as well as a great advocate for the needs of older people. This Program reflects Hal's many outstanding contributions as well as his wish to continue to support early career researchers in their pursuit of research excellence. The Program is made possible by Hal’s family making an extraordinarily generous donation of $730,000 to the AAG Research Trust for the Hal Kendig Research Development Program, following Hal’s passing in June 2018. For more information regarding the late Emeritus Professor Hal Kendig please click here.

Dr Abby Haynes – University of Sydney
Delivering exercise in aged care services to improve quality of life: Co-designing the TOP-UP program app

Dr Steph Garratt - Monash University

More than a clinical activity: Supporting aged care residents’ choice, dignity, and engagement with medication administration

For information on the amounts of the awards and the aims of these two projects please click here.

Click here for more information about the Hal Kendig Research Development Program and past recipients.

The 2023 Strategic Innovation Program Awardees

The Strategic Innovation Program initiative was made possible by the generous bequest from the estate of William Peter Steele Nicolson in 2016/17.

Dr Melanie Hoyle - The University of Queensland
CARE-SCI: Co-designing Actionable Recommendations to Enhance support for older adults with Spinal Cord Injury navigating age-specific policy

Dr Rachel Milte - Flinders University
Giving people with dementia a voice in aged care quality assessment

Dr Lisa Wong - Western Sydney University (awarded in partnership with DARF)
The effectiveness of a co-designed and culturally adapted dementia support program for Chinese-Australian carers

For information on the amounts of the awards and the aims of these projects please click here.

Click here for more information about the Strategic Innovation Program and past recipients.

The 2023 RM Gibson Program Awardees

The RM Gibson Program. The fund was set up to honour the memory of Dr Richard (Dick) Maxwell Gibson who played a foundation role in the development of gerontology within Australia. He made a significant contribution to the AAG, including serving as our National President and the inaugural Chairman of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia Oceania Region. The Grant recipients are: 

Louise Bourchier - The University of Melbourne
Exploring rural older adults' preferences for addressing sexual health and wellbeing in primary care

Dr Aruska D'Souza - Royal Melbourne Hospital
Mobility matters! A head-to-head comparison of two mobility outcome measures in hospitalised older people

Dr Aili Langford - Monash University
Developing evidence-based resources for older adults to support person-centred opioid deprescribing

Dr Diana Matovic - Macquarie University (awarded in partnership with DARF)
Dementia Connect: Adaptation and Co-Creation of a Communication Partner Training Program for Families of People with Dementia.

For information on the amounts of the awards and the aims of these projects please click here.

Click here for more information about the RM Gibson Program and past recipients.

AAG Life Members

Life Membership is one of the highest honours that the Australian Association of Gerontology can bestow on its members. Awards are made as necessary. Life Members have a long and distinguished record of service as a members and contribution to the Gerontology Community.

The 2023 Life Member Inductee:
Sharon Wall

Click here for more information about AAG Life Members and past inductees.

AAG Fellows

The AAG Fellowship award established in 1999 is intended to recognise high professional standing of members in any field of gerontology.

This year the Fellowship award goes to:
Dr Anita Goh, A/Prof Frances Batchelor, Dr Claudia Meyer, Prof Danny Hills, A/Prof Helen Rawson, Dr Aislinn Lalor (from left to right in main picture) Dr Sze-Ee Soh (second picture) & Dr Sze-Ee Soh (not pictured)


Click here for more information about AAG fellows and past recipients

AAG Distinguished Members

The AAG Distinguished Member award recognises members who have given outstanding service to AAG over many years, through serving on AAG State and Territory Divisional Committees and/or the AAG Board or previous equivalents, contributing to a range of activities to promote the achievement of AAG's purpose.

The 2023 Distinguished Members recipients: Ilsa Hampton (VIC) not pictured & Dr Meg Polacsek (VIC)


Click here for more information and past Distinguished Members.

AJA 2023 Book Awardee

Sarah-Holland Batt - The Jaguar