Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing Advisory Group (ATSIAAG)


ATSIAAG is a network of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of AAG who collaborate with and advise the AAG National Office and Board on opportunities, challenges and activities in this important space.

ATSIAAG was founded in 2006 to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' voices inform and shape the policy and practice arena of older First Nations Peoples of Australia in an informed and collaborative way. ATSIAAG’s membership is made up entirely of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of AAG, who represent 8.4% of the total membership (2023). Non-Indigenous members of AAG can join the Friends of ATSIAAG.

The chair of ATSIAAG and participating members provide leadership on the direction of ATSIAAG, including ensuring there is appropriate consultation with ATSIAAG members and other stakeholders on key activities.

ATSIAAG works with AAG's National Office to address gaps, challenges and opportunities, and to provide guidance and advice on all issues related to ageing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities. ATSIAAG achieves this through consultation and the development of partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, communities and organisations.

ATSIAAG encourages Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people to join AAG and welcomes them to join ATSIAAG.

ATSIAAG also invites non-Indigenous members of AAG to join Friends of ATSIAAGa group of members who work to amplify the actions of ATSIAAG. 

If you are a member of AAG, who is a non-Indigenous person and are interested in supporting the work of the ATSIAAG you are welcome to join the Friends of ATSIAAG network

 To join sign into your membership account

Go to the Special Interest Groups tab in your membership profile

Select the "Friends of ATSIAAG"

Save your changes and you’ll be included in all future emails and activities relating Friends of ATSIAAG.

Friends of ATSIAAG

In April 2018, the ATSIAAG Executive asked AAG to establish a 'Friends of ATSIAAG' group that enables interested non-Indigenous AAG members to keep informed of developments in this area, and to link with and support the work of ATSIAAG. Friends of ATSIAAG was first led by Professor Tony Broe and is supported by the AAG National Office.

Friends of ATSIAAG support ATSIAAG in its role of advising AAG on all matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ageing. Friends of ATSIAAG:

  • Receive information about current and future ATSIAAG activities and other relevant AAG activities, plus any newsworthy information relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ageing,

  • Provide any comments or suggestions to the ATSIAAG (generally via the AAG National Office)

  • Share any relevant information about current research, upcoming events etc, relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ageing.

Friends of ATSIAAG do not meet separately from ATSIAAG, but are invited to participate in workshops hosted by ATSIAAG, and to observe Yarn Up sessions at the AAG conference.



9th ATSIAAG Workshop: 2023

This report presents discussions and presentations from the Ageing at the Centre. Putting Elders and older people at the heart of our work in-person forum held for 2 days at Purple House, Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation. Support for this forum is provided by the Tangentyere Council through Tangentyere Aged & Community Services (TACS), the Commonwealth Department of Health and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing and Aged Care Council (NATSIAACC). The forum took place across the dates of 23rd – 25th May 2023 and the program included workshops, cultural learning, and yarnup sessions.

Recognising cultural and local knowledges in aged care: 2023

This report presents the systemic barriers and on-ground solutions to recruiting, retaining and promoting workers who provide important cultural and local knowledges in aged care.

8th ATSIAAG Workshop: 2020

The eighth National Workshop of the AAG Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing Advisory Group (ATSIAAG) was held online on 9 November 2020. The report 'Yarns on the (virtual) veranda' was formally launched in November 2021.

7th ATSIAAG Workshop: 2019

The seventh National Workshop of the AAG Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing Advisory Group (ATSIAAG) was held on 5 November 2019. The report 'Integrated and culturally sensitive service for older Aboriginal people: Practical solution or pipe dream?' was formally launched on 23 September 2020. (2018 - 2020)

6th ATSIAAG Workshop: 2018

The sixth National Workshop of the AAG Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing Advisory Group (ATSIAAG) was held on 20 November 2018. The report ‘Appropriate aged care needs assessment for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: What needs to be done’ was formally launched at the the joint Healing Foundation/ATSIAAG ‘Stolen Generation in Aged Care Forum’ in Melbourne on 5 June 2019. 

Other reports

5th ATSIAAG Workshop: 2017

The fifth National Workshop of the AAG Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing Advisory Group (ATSIAAG) was held on 7 November 2017. The report ‘Assuring equity of access and quality outcomes for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples: What needs to be done’ was formally launched by Hon Ken Wyatt AM MP, Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians, and Indigenous Health at Parliament House on 13 June 2018.

4th ATSIAAG Workshop: 2015

The fourth National Workshop of the AAG Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing Advisory Group (ATSIAAG) was held on 3 November 2015. The report 'Closing remote communities: Effects on ageing in place' was formally launched by The Hon Ken Wyatt MP, Federal Member for Hasluck and Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care at the 49th AAG Annual Conference.

3rd ATSIAC Workshop: 2012

The third National Workshop of the AAG Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing Committee (ATSIAC), was held in Brisbane in 2012. The report 'Dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities: Translating research into caring and practice' was formally launched in 2013.

2nd ATSIAC Workshop: 2010

The second National Workshop of the AAG Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing Committee (ATSIAC), held in Darwin in 2010. The report 'Aboriginal Ageing: Growing old in Aboriginal communities linking services and research' was formally launched in 2011.

Inaugural ATSIAC Workshop: 2008

The inaugural National Workshop of the AAG Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing Committee (ATSIAC) was held in Sydney in 2008. The report 'Growing old well' was formally launched in 2008.