RM Gibson Program


The RM Gibson Program of the AAG Research Trust supports early career researchers and practitioners working across the multidisciplinary field of ageing. The program was set up to honour the memory of Dr Richard (Dick) Maxwell Gibson, who played a foundation role in the development of gerontology within Australia and beyond. Dick made a significant contribution to AAG, including serving as National President and the inaugural Chairman of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Oceania Region. In 1996, a biography of Dick written by Margaret Henry was published in the Australian Dictionary of Biography.



Targeting the next generation of researchers in ageing, RM Gibson Program grants are awarded for work that improves the experience of ageing through innovation in research, policy and/or practice.

RM Gibson grants are open to AAG members who are in the early stages of their careers. They are specifically aimed at supporting the next generation of researchers or practitioners across the multidisciplinary field of ageing. These grants:

  • Facilitate early career learning and growth by providing seed funding for a standalone project, or a discrete piece of work within an existing project; and
  • Help early career researchers build their grant track record.

On the Research Trust pages of the AAG website, you can read how previous RM Gibson grants have supported knowledge creation and innovative thinking. Examples include:

  • ‘The RM Gibson award supported a critical aspect of my PhD studies … [and] helped set a foundation for my career by instilling me with confidence to pursue my passion for ageing and dementia research’ (N D’Cunha, 2018)
  • ‘Involving people with lived experience of dementia in every aspect of our research would not have been possible without the funding received from the AAG Research Trust and DARF’ (N Folder, 2022)
  • ‘The RM Gibson award funded my PhD qualitative interview study, involving 30 GPs, which led to two publications on my PhD topic’ (K Weir, 2016)


Current grant round

In 2024, the RM Gibson Program is offering:

  • Up to three grants of up to $10,000 (inc GST) each, for projects up to 18 months in duration; and
  • A possible additional grant of up to $10,000 (inc GST), for projects up to 18 months in duration for applications with a substantive dementia focus, made possible through a partnership between the AAG Research Trust and the Dementia Australia Research Foundation (DARF).

Please read the guidelines for the 2024 RM Gibson grants and the new FAQs on our grant programs and processes. 



The 2024 RM Gibson Program grants opened on Monday 8 April 2024. Applications closed at 10.00 am AEST on Monday 27 May 2024. Applications must be submitted via the Google form which will be available on this page from Monday 8 April.

Applications for the 2024 funding round have now closed

All applications must be:

  • Made using the Word format form;
  • Combined into a single pdf file containing the completed application form, supporting documents and/or letters of support;
  • Easily legible (high quality), when scanned;
  • Saved as: 2024RMG_First name_Last name; and
  • Submitted through the 'Apply now' button, which takes you to a Google form. Please note: like all Google forms, you will need a Gmail account to proceed.


Applications for the 2024 funding round have now closed.

Previous awardees

We encourage you to read about the work we have funded across our grant programs. Summaries of projects funded through the RM Gibson Program are available via the links below, while the awardee showcase presents a sample of stories from completed projects.

2023 RM Gibson Grant awardees

2022 RM Gibson Grant awardees

2021 RM Gibson Grant awardees

2020 RM Gibson Grant awardees

2019 RM Gibson Grant awardees

2018 RM Gibson Grant awardees

2017 RM Gibson Grant awardees

2016 RM Gibson Grant awardees

2015 RM Gibson Grant awardees