Thursday Three - 16 05 2024

  • $25,000 Research Trust grants now open

  • Celebrating the success of the recent AAG Vic Division event: Ageing Well - Self-care for Mind and Body

  • Unlocking potential: The impact of AAG Research Trust grants

$25,000 Research Trust grants now open

We are pleased to announce that grants made available through three programs under the AAG Research Trust are now open. In this round, the AAG Research Trust is offering:

1. Hal Kendig Research Development Program (HKRDP):

  • Open to early career researchers (not practitioners) with up to or equal to 5 years full time equivalent experience.
  • Up to 2 grants of $25,000 each in 2024.
  • Aim: Support research benefiting vulnerable older people, focusing on psycho-social aspects of ageing, and help build grant track records.

2. Strategic Innovation Program (SIP):

  • Open to any AAG member, preference for early to mid-career individuals up to or equal to 8 years full time equivalent experience) the award of their highest qualification or commencement in their most senior role.
  • Up to 2 grants of $25,000 each in 2024, possibly a third through partnership with the Dementia Australia Research Foundation (DARF).
  • Aim: Enhance ageing experience through innovative policy and practice .

3. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Grant:

  • For Indigenous Australian researchers or practitioners.
  • Proposals with a substantive focus on the health and wellbeing of older Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their communities, and is Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander-led.
  • One grant up to $25,000 in 2024.
  • Aim: Build skills, capacity, and evidence-based knowledge on ageing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to inform policy and programs

Please see the Research Trust pages for more information and guidelines, along with how previous Research Trust grants have supported knowledge creation and innovative thinking. Applications close on Monday 24 June 2024.

Related: RM Gibson Program Grants (3x $10,000) close on Monday 27 of May 2024

Celebrating the success of AAG Vic Division event:
Ageing Well - Self-care for Mind and Body

Held on Friday, 03 May 2024, the event was a day filled with inspiration, knowledge sharing, and meaningful connections, all centered around the vital theme of self-care in the context of ageing. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with leading researchers, participate in thought-provoking discussions, and explore practical strategies for enhancing self-care through mindfulness and physical activity. The lived experience panel discussion offered invaluable insights into the diverse realities of ageing, highlighting the importance of compassion and community support.

Well done to Vic Division chair Ilsa Hampton; and Helen Rawson (brown jacket) for welcoming the day. A special congratulations to the dedicated volunteers of the Vic One Day Conference Sub-Committee for their exceptional work in organizing this event and bringing it to life.

We extend our gratitude to our sponsors: National Centre of Healthy Ageing; Monash University Rehabilitation, Ageing and Independent Living (RAIL) Research Centre; Peninsula Health; University of Melbourne; National Ageing Research Institute (NARI); and Baptcare. Your support is deeply appreciated.

Pictured: Vic One Day Conference Sub-Committee (l-r) Back row, Jacqui Allen; Josefine Antoniades; Danny Hills (Front row) Teresa Donegan; Sze-Ee Soh

Visit here for more information about the event and the speakers

Visit here for more images in the AAG Online Community (link only open to AAG Members who are part of our online community)                 

and for non-members here's a LinkedIn post

Unlocking potential: The impact of AAG Research Trust grants

On the Research Trust pages of the AAG website, you can read how previous Research Trust grants have supported knowledge creation and innovative thinking. Examples include:

  • "Being awarded a Hal Kendig Research Development Program grant has been an excellent opportunity as an early-career researcher... [my] work wouldn't have been possible had it not been funded through the AAG Research Trust" (L Lavrencic, HKRDP, 2020)

  • "The research supported by the AAG Research Trust has enabled me to apply for and receive other awards. I am so thankful for these opportunities" (J Allen, SIP, 2019)

  • "I am so very grateful for the funding I received via the Hal Kendig Research Development Program, which has been a crucial stepping stone for my career trajectory in academic research" (J Hwang, HKRDP, 2021)

Please see the Research Trust pages for more testimonials and information about their grants.