AAG Tasmania Division

AAG Tasmania Division Committee


The Tasmania Division of the AAG provides local events for members. We provide opportunities to hear from international, national, and local speakers about innovations and research in the field of ageing. Our events also provide networking opportunities for our diverse membership, which includes aged care workers, allied health professionals, nurses and medical professionals. Basically, anyone interested in improving the experience of ageing. We provide links to the national body and scholarships to help members attend the annual national conference. We are a group of friendly people who endeavour to provide connections locally and nationally for people interested in gerontology.

Suanne Lawrence
Division Committee Chair
Azam Bazooband
Division Committee Treasurer
Dr. Azam Bazooband brings over 15 years of experience in the health sector, wearing many hats as a researcher, lecturer, and manager. Her recent achievement includes a Ph.D. in com...
Joanna Sun
Division Committee Secretary
Dr Joanna Sun has been working in the Aged Care Industry in Australia and Singapore for more than 15 years. She has been a Personal Care Assistant, Enrolled Nurse, Programme Manage...
Kaylee Rudd
Division Committee Student & Early Career Group (SECG) Representative
Kaylee Rudd is a PhD student at the Wicking Centre, University of Tasmania. Her research investigates motor biomarkers of cognitive impairment, especially application of Artificial...
Kate-Ellen Elliott
Division Committee Board Nominee
Kate-Ellen is a Adjunct Senior Researcher of the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre at the University of Tasmania. Her field is geropsychology, particularly older adult...
Marguerite Bramble
Division Committee Member
Associate Professor Marguerite Bramble is past President of AAG and Chair of the AAG Board from 2020 to 2022. Marguerite has recently officially retired from Charles Sturt Universi...
Christine Stirling
Division Committee Member
Christine is a nursing academic at the University of Tasmania, Australia and has a career long interest in improving health care through workforce innovation and consumer research....

AAG Tasmanian Division

Bursaries to attend the 2024 AAG Conference

AAG Tasmania will provide three scholarships of $350 for three AAG student members who are not receiving other funding to attend the AAG Conference whose abstracts have been accepted by the Conference Scientific Committee.

Applications for 2024 are open from 1st July to 30th August 2024 and are to be used to directly support the student to attend the National Conference either as travel expenses or to support the cost of Conference fees.

The AAG Tas Division Committee will assess the applications for the award. Any Committee Member who has applied for the bursary will be recused from the selection process.

Applications will be assessed and award recipients will be formally notified by the 7th September.

Eligibility criteria:
Scholarships are available for current Tasmanian AAG ‘Student’ members.
Applicants must be attending the full AAG Conference program in the year of application for the Award and presenting their research findings via an oral, poster, ‘ThinkTank’, or art presentation.
Applicants do not have to have had their abstracts accepted at the time of submitting their application for the Award but must show proof of acceptance as soon as received.

Successful applicants are expected to:
Acknowledge the support of the Tasmanian Division of the AAG during their presentation at the conference.
Arrange their own travel, accommodation, and Conference fee then seek reimbursement from the Tasmanian AAG Division Treasurer with evidence of costs (i.e. receipts, bank statement).
Write a 1-page report on their experience at the AAG Conference. This may be used/promoted online. For example, quoted on the Tasmanian AAG webpage or posted as an entry on the AAG SECG blog.
If invited, present their research at an AAG Tasmania Division event.

How to apply:
Applications must be made via the online form that includes the following:
1. Details of the applicant i.e. contact, current position, current institution.
2. Title of the presentation
3. A paragraph of 250 words or less on why you should receive this bursary and how it would benefit you, your research and your future career in gerontology.
4. A copy of the submitted abstract.

Dr Joanna Sun, Secretary AAG_Tasmania, Email: [email protected]

Applications close at COB on 30th August 2024

Follow this link to submit your application

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