Vale Dr Alison Rahn

Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are warned that this article contains an image of a deceased person.

AAG were saddened to learn that Dr Alison Rahn passed away last Saturday March 6th after four years of sustained treatment for metastatic breast cancer. Despite her illness she continued to campaign for and researched older people's rights to intimacy and more general care until the end. She valued her colleagues in the AAG and she can feel sure that her contributions to the field achieved some traction.

Alison played an active role in the NSW AAG Division Committee and was part of the organising committee for the AAG Conference in Sydney in 2019, where she helped organise and participated in an expert plenary panel entitled, “Valuing Connections and Intimacy at any Age”Click here to view her presentation.  Alison was also one of the inaugural recipients of the AAG Strategic Research Grants in 2018 for her project, "Permission to speak: Giving older adults a voice in teaching health and aged care providers how to communicate about intimate matters". This project is part of ‘no use by date’ video series and Phil, her husband, said Alison would be pleased to know that the videos are in circulation.  Alison's no use by date videos can be accessed here

11 March 2021