AAG report launched: Essential capabilities for workforce management

Hot off the press is AAG's new evidence review on Essential capabilities for managing an aged care workforce. 

This project involved an extensive review of international academic literature produced over the last decade that considered issues of the leadership and management of the aged care workforce. The resultant industry report provides vital information on building capabilities in managing an aged care workforce, identifying knowledge gaps, and making recommendations for research and policy.
Key points and recommendations include:

  • The importance of establishing and supporting a competent tier of middle management and senior leadership in aged care

  • The need to improve the evidence base for the how-to of effective leadership and management

  • The need to better understand the characteristics and skill needs of leadership and management in the sector, and to translate this into development activities

  • Potential value in establishing a National Task Force on Aged Care Management and Leadership to focus attention on the supply.

The report author is workforce expert Professor Philip Taylor of the Warwick Institute for Employment Research at the University of Warwick. Phil was the 2018 AAG Glenda Powell Travelling Fellow, on the topic of working in ageing and working while ageing. This report stems from this award.