AAG ATSIAAG Report launched: "Putting Elders and older people at the heart of our work"

This report summarises the discussions and presentations from the "Ageing at the Centre, Ageing at the Centre. Putting Elders and older people at the heart of our work" forum held on May 23-25, 2023, at Purple House, Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation. Supported by Tangentyere Council, the Commonwealth Department of Health, and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing and Aged Care Council (NATSIAACC), the forum featured workshops, cultural learning, and Yarn Up sessions.

Three key workshops covered:

  • Planning for finishing up: End of life and Advance Care Planning
  • Dementia in the Community: What is it like and what can we do
  • Workforce and capacity development

Attended by participants from diverse organisations, including Aboriginal community-controlled aged care providers, not-for-profit providers, peak bodies, researchers, geriatric nurses, and other community representatives. Some interrelated and overlapping themes emerging across all three workshops included:

  • The dynamics of working amongst often competing intercultural expectations
  • Using a little to do a lot, whether it be time, capital or, expertise
  • Innovation and creativity

The report was launched at the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing Advisory Group (ATSIAAG) Yarn Up on May 27 and is available along with other ATSIAAG reports for download.