Kate-Ellen Elliott
AAG Board Member
Kate-Ellen is a Adjunct Senior Researcher of the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre at the University of Tasmania. Her field is geropsychology, particularly older adults’ psychological adjustment to health conditions. She has practiced and published in the areas of aged and dementia care, workforce and older adult mental health, psycho-oncology, as well as implementation and translational health services research. She is an experienced project manager and content developer in online and blended approaches of new and innovative curriculum, training interventions, and measures. Kate-Ellen is in her second term as the Tasmanian nominee on the national board and is an AAG Fellow. In the past, she contributed to the AAG’s Tasmanian Division as President and Student and Early Career representative. She is on the Financial, Audit and Risk Management committee of the board and other working groups (e.g., Collaborative Research Centres). She has worked collaboratively to host gerontology events that attracted local media, and reviewed and awarded travel bursaries for the national conference. Kate-Ellen was also a founding member and later co-convenor for the special interest group on Ageing, Workforce and Education (AWE). She has led and contributed to, local and national networks and advisory groups on aged care workforce health and wellbeing.