Chiara Naseri
Division Committee Student & Early Career Group (SECG) Representative
Dr Chiara Naseri is an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at The University of Western Australia School of Allied Health, and WA Centre for Health and Ageing; and Clinical Specialist in Falls Prevention Management at St John of God Health Care. She brings outstanding capability in ageing research, as an experienced physiotherapist and community service developer in older adults areas working both in clinical physiotherapy and research for over 20 years. She completed a PhD at Curtin University to time in 2020, which focused on older adults' recovery after hospital discharge. She has published 15 articles, 8 as first author, and over numerous presentations regarding fall prevention and rehabilitation. She is a Fellow of the AAG and secretary of the WA AAG Committee. Dr Naseri was awarded the 2022 Hal Kendig Research Development Program Award to explore influences for older people to join a community hub to engage in healthy ageing programs.