Victorian SECG monthly webinar series 2024

These webinars will be held on the first Friday of each month at 9am between April and December 2024. AAG SECG members only.


We are excited to announce the continuation of the AAG VIC SECG monthly webinar series this year, building on the success and positive feedback from last year.

The 30-minute webinars (20-min talk followed by 10-min Q&A) will be held monthly from 9.00-9.30am on the first Friday of each month with plans for a rapid fire session for the final event in the series on 6th December. 

Please note: All of the presenters will be 
AAG SECG Victorian members but this year
it has been decided to open up registration
to all AAG SECG members (current AAG
members in either the Student or ECR Categories)

Please also note that these events have been designed for
live participants only and will be in the Zoom meeting
format with all attendees being able to open mic and camera
so that they can participate in the discussion at the conclusion
of each presentation.
The sessions will not be recorded.

PLEASE NOTE that this is a two stage registration process
once you have registered here you will receive a registration
confirmation email with a Zoom registration link.

You then need to follow that link and register in Zoom.

Zoom will then send you the final link to join and a calendar invite for the whole series.

The dates are:

5th April 9.00am - 9.30am AEDT

Psychotropic adverse event monitoring in the residential care setting
Presented by: Brigid McInerney

Brigid is an accredited pharmacist with 10 years clinical experience in the care of older people in hospital and community settings. As Assistant Deputy Director of Pharmacy at Monash Health, she leads a team of pharmacy staff in the Rehabilitation and Geriatric Medicine program and supports clinical pharmacy services throughout the organisation. Her PhD through Monash University relates to the development and implementation of a psychotropic adverse monitoring tool for the residential care setting. Brigid also enjoys baking, eating out and running with her dog Lupo!
Chair: Jacqui Allen

7th June 9.00am - 9.30am AEST*

COLLABoRATe: Building multimedia resources with Chinese carers to enhance older adults' care transitions – A Chinese researcher’s self reflection
Presented by: Yaping Zhong
I am a Research Fellow at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Monash University, where I also obtained my PhD. Currently, my research is dedicated to the provision of transitional care support for informal carers from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds who are taking care of older adults. Broadly, my research interests include aged care and issues related to CALD communities.
Chair: Alana Hewitt

5th July 9.00am - 9.30am AEST

Pharmacist knowledge brokers to support translation of clinical practice guidelines in residential aged care
Presented by: Amanda Cross
Dr Amanda Cross is a pharmacist and an NHMRC Emerging Leader research fellow at the Centre for Medicine Use and Safety, Monash University. Amanda’s research interests primarily relate to medicine safety and quality use of medicines in older people, particularly those at risk of developing dementia or who are currently living with dementia. Amanda is a chief investigator on two large Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) projects evaluating novel models of knowledge translation in aged care involving pharmacists acting as knowledge brokers. Amanda continues to practice in a clinical role as a home medication review pharmacist.
Steph Garratt

2nd August 9.00am - 9.30am AEST

The Australian aged care workforce and all it's complexity
Presented by: Samantha Clune
A mixed-methods research fellow who focuses on complexity in the every day and how it influences health outcomes for hard to reach population groups
Chair: Jo Tropea

6th September 9.00am - 9.30am AEST

The incorporation of relational talk to care transactions between non-native English-speaking personal carers and older people in residential care.
Presented by: Pip Mackey
Pip Mackey (MA (Applied Linguistics), GradDipEd (TESOL), BA) has taught English as an Additional Language (EAL) in community, TAFE and university programs for 20+ years. More recently she has specialised in language and communication training for aged care workers where she has worked with the industry and training organisations in research, materials development and training delivery. She is currently a PhD candidate in the School of Languages and Linguistics at the University of Melbourne investigating how EAL personal care assistants integrate relational work with transactional talk as they assist older people through activities of daily living.
Meghan Ambrens

4th October 9.00am - 9.30am AEST

Epigenetic ageing, risk of frailty, and worse cognitive performance over time in older people.
Presented by: Aung Zaw Zaw Phyo
Dr. Aung Zaw Zaw Phyo is a Research Fellow at the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Australia. His current postdoctoral research is focused on a deeper understanding of the biology of ageing and age-related diseases. Aung completed his MSc in Epidemiology (with Distinction) from University of Melbourne, and an MPH from Mahidol University, Thailand. He then obtained his Ph.D. in Epidemiology from Monash University, Australia. In recognition of the excellence of his Ph.D. work, Aung was awarded “Young Scientist Research Award - Second Prize (Biomedical/Health Sciences)” from the Royal Society of Victoria, Australia in 2022.
Ishani Majmudar

1st November 9.00am - 9.30am AEDT

Medication administration in Australian aged care facilities: initial findings from a national audit
Presented by: Steph Garratt
Dr Garratt is a Research Fellow and Early Career Researcher based in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Monash University. Her research interests include: healthcare ethics, aged care facilities, consumer input into care, clinical decision-making, Dementia care, and medication management. Currently she is leading a series of projects focussed on medication administration in aged care facilities, with one funded by the AAG Research Trust Hal Kendig Research Development Program.
Chair: Yaping Zhong

6th December 9.00am - 10.00am AEDT (session duration may be extended depending on the number of speakers)

Rapid Fire Presentation
We are excited to announce this year's Rapid Fire Presentation. We warmly invite postgraduate students and early career researchers who are current members of the AAG Victorian Student and Early Career Group (SECG), including those who may have presented at our monthly webinars, to register and present your work in 3 minutes. This is an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your research and engage with fellow colleagues!

Please submit your EOI here to secure your spot as a presenter.

What's in it for you?

  • Present your research in just 1 slide (3-min talk + 2-min Q&A)
  • Prize - win the Best Rapid Fire Presentation Award!
  • AAG VIC SECG members - this is your chance to shine.

After submitting your EOI, you will receive a confirmation email in September with further details including your allocated presentation time, slide instructions and judging criteria.

If you are accepted as a presenter then you will need to register for the event via this page so that you receive your Zoom link.

Please note that this event registration page will run continuously throughout the series. You only need to register here once, complete the next step and register in Zoom, and then and you will automatically receive updates regarding the rest of the program. The Zoom link will remain the same throughout the entire series.

It is important that once you receive your registration confirmation email from us that you take the second step and then register in Zoom. As well as receiving your Zoom link to join you will receive a calendar invite for each of the above sessions and Zoom will send you a reminders in advance of each one.

*Please note that there will be no webinar scheduled for 3rd May. Instead (for those of you who can make it to Melbourne), we extend an invitation for you to register and participate in the AAG Victoria 2024 Ageing Well: Self-care - mind and body conference (Friday, 3rd May 2024 at Melbourne Connect, 700 Swanston St, Carlton VIC 3053). This event presents a valuable opportunity for you to connect with fellow VIC members in person.

6/09/2024 9:00 AM - 6/12/2024 10:30 AM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Registration not available.

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