AAG Western Australia Division

Western Australia Division Committee

Barbara Blundell
Division Committee Chair
Is a Senior Lecturer in Social Work and teaching and research academic in the School of Allied Health at Curtin University. Barbara's research interests have a particular focus on...
Hilary O'Connell
Division Committee Treasurer
is an Occupational Therapist with 30 years’ experience as a clinician, manager and project leader in the United Kingdom and Australia across the disability and aged care sector. He...
Chiara Naseri
Division Committee Student & Early Career Group (SECG) Representative
Dr Chiara Naseri is an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at The University of Western Australia School of Allied Health, and WA Centre for Health and Ageing; and Clinical Specialist i...
Gill Lewin
Division Committee Board Nominee
Gill has recently retired following a nearly thirty year career in ageing research during which time she headed up research in Silver Chain, a large community-based health and aged...
Marcus Ang
Division Committee Member
Marcus is a research fellow at Edith Cowan University. He completed his PhD at The University of Newcastle and is interested in the research of Falls Prevention, Older People and t...
Elissa Burton
Division Committee Member
Is a Level 2 Accredited Sport Scientist and currently works as an Associate Professor at the Curtin School of Allied Health and the enAble Institute, Curtin University. Elissa's re...
Claire Donnellan
Division Committee Member
Claire has been involved in the discipline of gerontology for over 20 years since conducting her PhD research that investigated successful ageing in the context of cerebrovascular ...
Leon Flicker AO
Division Committee Member
Has trained clinically and in research in Sydney, Newcastle and Melbourne and was appointed inaugural Professor of Geriatric Medicine at the University of Western Australia in 1998...
87Flicker AO
Mayumi Kumarage
Division Committee Member
Mayumi is a PhD candidate at Edith Cowan University. Her areas of interest in research are mortality prognostication, death and dying of older adults....
Sachini Thennakoon
Division Committee Member
Sachini is a PhD Candidate at Edith Cowan University. She is also currently working as a registered nurse in Aged Care. Sachini's research interests are aged care nursing workforce...
Jacqui Tibbits
Division Committee Member
Jacqui has over 20 years experience working in ageing and aged care services including in direct service provision, volunteer management and sector development. Jacqui is currently...
Roger Warne
Division Committee Member
(FRACP) began training in Geriatric Medicine in 1976 at Royal Perth Hospital. His advanced training experience includes Geriatric Medicine, Long Term Care, Neurology Psychiatry, R...


The Western Australian Division of the AAG brings together a broad range of people with an interest in ageing and provides opportunities to network and discuss the latest news in gerontology through regular seminars and events. The Western Australian Division also collaborates with other organisations across the State to support networking and knowledge building. The Division has an active student and early career group which holds its own events as well as participating in broader State activities.

AAG Western Australian Division

Scholarships to attend the 2024 AAG Conference


The Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG) WA Division is offering two grants to support attendance to the conference. One grant each up to the value of $1350 will be offered.

Scholarships are offered in two categories:

  • Category I: Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Category II: Student and Early Career Members

Applicants are required to be current members of AAG

For applicants who are accepted, conference registration fees will be paid directly through the Division

When applying you will be asked to:

  • Provide details of any abstract accepted (desirable)
  • Describe in 250 words or less why you should receive this scholarship and how it would benefit you, your research and/or your future career in gerontology
  • Bursary recipient by attending a committee meeting remotely in 2025 to provide a brief update on their experience in attending the conference


Applications close at COB on 30th Sept 2024

 Follow this link to submit your application