AAG Queensland Division

AAG Queensland Committee Members

Theresa Scott
Division Committee Chair
Is Senior Lecturer in Clinical Geropsychology and former NHMRC-ARC Dementia Research Development Fellow. Her research focuses on functional outcomes for older people living in the ...
Asmita Manchha
Division Committee Secretary
BCom/BBusMan(Hons), PhD Is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Queensland. Her research examines communication, the stigma of working in aged care, attitudes tow...
Karly Bartrim
Division Committee Student & Early Career Group (SECG) Representative
Katrina Radford
Division Committee Board Nominee
Katrina is a Associate Professor at Griffith University. My research program focuses on managing an ageing population in three key areas: 1) How can we better support an ageing wor...
Najwan El-Saifi
Division Committee Member
Dr Najwan El-Saifi is a Research Fellow at UQ Centre for Hearing Research. She holds a BSc in Pharmacy, a Master of Medical Research degree, and a PhD (University Award of Excellen...
Stephanie Fu
Division Committee Member
Tricia King
Division Committee Member
is a researcher and Lecturer in Photography at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Her research focuses on creative arts in health and wellbeing and the role that photographs can...
Kristiana Ludlow
Division Committee Member
Dr Kristiana Ludlow is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Services Research, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Queensland, and an Honorary Postdoctoral Fellow at the A...
Evonne Miller
Division Committee Member
Evonne is a passionate advocate for design and creative arts-based participatory research methods. Her research focuses on how to design environments – built, technical, socio-cult...
Leander Mitchell
Division Committee Member
Dr Leander Mitchell is a Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Neuropsychologist, and within her primary role as Senior Lecturer at The University of Queensland, she contributes to th...
Andrea Petriwskyj
Division Committee Member
Dr Andrea Petriwskyj is Program Coordinator – Research and Community Education at COTA Queensland, and is also Honorary Senior Research Fellow at The University of Queensland. She ...
Mikaela Wheeler
Division Committee Member
Completed a Bachelor of Health Sciences, followed by a Masters of Dietetic Studies at the University of Queensland. Her research interests focus on nutrition for the elderly, parti...


The Queensland Division of the AAG brings together a broad range of people with an interest in ageing and provides opportunities to network and discuss the latest news in gerontology through regular seminars and events.

The Queensland Division also collaborates with other organisations across the State to support networking and knowledge building. The Division has an active student and early career group which holds its own events as well as participating in broader State activities

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AAG Queensland Division

Scholarships to attend the 2024 AAG Conference


The AAG Queensland Division invites applications from Queensland AAG members who are postgraduate students or early career researchers/practitioners and have had an abstract accepted as a presenting author for an oral presentation or symposium.

Two bursaries ($750 each) will be offered to support the cost of conference registration for the 56th AAG Conference in Hobart from November 12th - 15th 2024. 

One bursary will be awarded for each of the following categories two categories:

  • Category I: Post Graduate student
  • Category II: Early career researcher/practitioner (within five years of being awarded PhD or equivalent relative to opportunity

Applicants are required to be current members of AAG

When applying you will be asked to:

  • Provide details of your accepted abstract
  • Describe in 250 words or less why you should receive this bursary and how it would benefit you, your research and/or your future career in gerontology
  • Describe any past involvement in AAG activities and how you would like to contribute to AAG in the future.

Applications close at COB on Friday 19th July 2024

Follow this link to submit your application