AAG New South Wales Division

AAG New South Wales Division Committee

Keryn Curtis
Division Committee Chair
Keryn Curtis is a consultant writer and communication and engagement specialist who has specialised in ageing across a number of roles for the last 20 years. From 2016-2020 she wor...
Joyce Siette
Division Committee Chair
A Research Fellow. She merges neuropsychology and informatics research areas to improve care and outcomes for older adults in community and residential aged care. She is a strong a...
Carrie Hayter
Division Committee Treasurer
Carrie Hayter is a passionate advocate for the rights of older people, people with disability and their allies and works to create and design peer or user led services. With over 2...
Kim Kiely
Division Committee Secretary
Kim is a Lecturer in Data Science and Statistics and the University of Wollongong, and holds honorary positions at UNSW and Neuroscience Research Australia. Kim has a PhD in lifeco...
Anita Westera
Division Committee Board Nominee
Anita’s passion is improving the care and support of older people through strengthening the nexus between research, policy and practice. She is an academic, registered nurse and fo...
Felicity Barr
Division Committee Member
A social gerontologist with a long history of service to AAG, most recently as President of the Hunter Chapter in NSW. Building on her successful career with DVA, she is now Deput...
Anthony Brown
Division Committee Member
The CEO of Health Consumers NSW, he is an Adjunct Fellow at the School of Science and Health, Western Sydney University, and a Visiting Fellow at the University of Wollongong. Anth...
Zhaoli Dai
Division Committee Member
An epidemiologist with over a decade of experience to in nutritional epidemiology for the prevention and management of chronic diseases. She has led large population-based cohorts ...
Rik Dawson
Division Committee Member
A gerontological Physiotherapist with extensive experience working with older Australians. He has over 25 years of professional experience, dedicated to enhancing physical wellbein...
Jane Hwang
Division Committee Member
Is an early career researcher in the Justice Health Research Program at the School of Population Health, UNSW Sydney. She completed her PhD in the School of Psychiatry, UNSW Sydney...
Mae Lim
Division Committee Member
A postgraduate researcher at the Neuroscience Research Australia and University of New South Wales. Her PhD focuses on understanding the relationship between health literacy and fe...
Janet Mitchell
Division Committee Member
Vasi Naganathan
Division Committee Member
MBBS, FRACP, PhD, MMed (Clin Epi), Grad Cert Med Ed An academic at the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney and a Consultant Geriatrician at Concord Hospital...
Linda Rosenman
Division Committee Member
AAG Board member 2017-present Chair. AAG Research Trust Steering Committee Professor Linda Rosenman GAICD Chair of the Trustees of the AAG Research Trust and AAG appointee to the ...
Paul Sadler
Division Committee Member
Paul was the interim Chief Executive Officer for Aged & Community Care Providers (ACCPA) and previous CEO of Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA), the peak body representing ...
Rhonda Smith
Division Committee Member
A senior lecturer in the School of Nursing & Midwifery at Western Sydney University. Jed has a strong clinical background in gerontology and medical-surgical nursing. He is an exp...
Luke Testa
Division Committee Member
Dr Luke Testa is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science, Australian Institute of Health Innovation. He is passionate abou...
Sharon Wall
Division Committee Member
Sharon has worked in Ageing and Aged Care for over 40 years and is a long-standing member and inaugural fellow of the Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG) and a current memb...


The New South Wales Division of the AAG has an Executive Committee who meet bi-monthly in Sydney to design events about ageing that inspire and enlighten and to oversee representation of AAG in various NSW policy forums. 

We run a range of seminars and forums across NSW including Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong. New ideas are showcased, interesting subject matter presented, exciting research findings are discussed and orations by leading specialists in their fields always ensure these events are well attended. An annual two-day Rural Conference is held in a different country town each year to bring city and country people together, to network with local communities and provide resources and new research direct to those working and living across the State.

We also have two Chapters based in the Hunter and Illawarra. These groups bring together local members and others with an interest in gerontology. Each Chapter hosts local seminars and events and offer a wonderful local networking opportunity.

We pride ourselves on providing good networking opportunities to our members and anyone interested in ageing issues. We encourage everyone to participate so you too can be kept up-to-date and inspired by greater knowledge about ageing.

NSW Division Scholarships to attend the

2024 AAG Conference


The AAG NSW Division is currently offering two conference scholarships to support members’ active attendance at the 2024 AAG Conference at Hobart, Tasmania.


Scholarship Categories

At least one scholarship will be awarded across each of the following categories:

  • Student
  • Early Career Researcher (ECR; ≤ 5 years PhD) 

Amount per award

Each Scholarship will total up to $1000, inclusive of conference registration at an early bird rate. The remaining allocation can be used for travel and accommodation costs related to the conference for the applicant.

Eligibility criteria for applicants

  • Be a current member of AAG (NSW Division)
  • Be currently enrolled as a student at post-graduate level (e.g Masters or PhD) or ECR (≤ 5 years PhD) 
  • Have submitted an abstract to the conference 
  • Have no other source of financial support to attend the conference (e.g. from your employer or university/institution)
  • Have not previously been awarded an AAG NSW Division Conference Scholarship as a postgraduate student or ECR

If you are not already a member of AAG, you can join now. Student memberships are available on the membership page of the AAG website. The Student and Early Career Group (SECG) has an active membership within AAG, and you are encouraged to participate in that group as part of your membership.

Find out more about the conference, visit the AAG Conference website

What to do

To apply, please submit your conference abstract and indicate the scholarship category that you are applying for in the Additional Information section (refer screen shot).

At a later date you will then be asked to provide the following materials:

  • Abstract details (150 words max: include title, presentation type, and your role in the research, advocacy, or practice);
  • A current CV (maximum 2 pages);
  • A statement to address the selection criteria and explain how the conference scholarship will benefit you, your research, advocacy or practice, and details of your prior and/or future contributions to the AAG, gerontology, and community (300 words max).


Expectations of applicants

Successful applicants are expected to:

  • Acknowledge the support of the NSW Division of the AAG during their presentation at the conference.
  • Arrange their own travel and accommodation, and seek reimbursement from the NSW AAG Division treasurer with evidence of costs (i.e. receipts, bank statement).
  • Write a 1-page report on their experience at the AAG Conference. This may be used/promoted online. For example, quoted on the NSW AAG webpage or posted as an entry on the AAG SECG blog.
  • If invited, present their research at an AAG NSW Division event.

All applicants may be invited to present their research at an AAG NSW Division event.

THE CLOSING DATE FOR CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS IS 28 April 2024 or later if extended.

If you have questions, please contact NSW Division Co-chair, Dr Joyce Siette via [email protected]

Application process

Applications will be submitted via the abstract submission process.

Enquiries can be directed to the Co-Chairs of the NSW Division Committee, (Joyce Siette and Keryn Curtis), or Chair of Student Prizes and Bursary Sub-committee, (Kim Kiely) via [email protected]

Yours sincerely

Keryn Curtis and Joyce Siette (AAG NSW Division Co-Chairs)


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