
AAG SECG Presents: Navigating the Age of A.I.

AAG SECG Presents: Navigating the Age of A.I.

We plan to record this event and make that recording
available to all 
registrants subsequently
If you can't make it on the day we encourage you to register
anyway so that you receive that link

Access to the recording in our video library will be
restricted to AAG members and webinar registrants


   Navigating the Age of Artificial Intelligence:
Transforming Ageing and Aged Care

From artificial intelligence (AI) to advanced robotics, we are currently living through the 4th industrial revolution. However, the Aged Care Royal Commission in 2021 found that "the aged care system is well behind other sectors in the use and application of technology". This webinar will offer insights into emerging technologies transforming ageing and aged care. 

Our first speaker, Prof Evonne Miller, is a Professor of Design Psychology and Director of the QUT Design Lab, will explore how the unprecedented fusion of physical, digital, and biological spheres is changing the “what” and “how” of doing things, as well as “who” we are – and will transform the experience of ageing and aged care. 

Our second speaker, Dr Barbara Neves, an award-winning sociologist of technology and ageing, will share practices and perceptions surrounding AI in aged care. 

Attendees will:

  • Learn about emerging technologies transforming ageing and aged care.   
  • Explore future care scenarios, both at home and in residential aged care.
  • Understand research gaps in artificial intelligence within aged care. 
  • Consider whether and how the use of AI in aged care may contribute to ageism.

Hear from our speakers:

Professor Evonne Miller
Professor of Design Psychology 
Director of the QUT Design Lab

Evonne Miller is Professor of Design Psychology at Queensland University of Technology and Director of the QUT Design Lab. Her research is in design for health, applying co-design, arts-based and knowledge translation approaches to understand, communicate and improve the experience of healthcare - especially for older people in aged care. She has A$4M in research grants (including a NHMRC Ideas grant on intergenerational colocation), 120+ publications, and is 2023 Chair of the AAG and ERA (Emerging Researcher in Ageing) conferences.


Dr Barbara Barbosa Neves, FRSA
Senior Lecturer, Sociology & Anthropology
Monash Data Futures Institute
Monash University

Barbara Barbosa Neves (PhD, FRSA) is an award-winning sociologist of technology and ageing, specialising in digital inequalities and loneliness. She is a Senior Lecturer at Monash University. Her research has informed technology design and policy worldwide. She has received 25 prestigious prizes and honours, including being named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 2022. Before moving to Australia, Barbara was Associate Director of the Computer Science Lab ‘Technologies for Aging Gracefully’ at the University of Toronto, Canada. 


Introductions by:

Dr Tesfahun Eshetie
Research Fellow
Registry of Senior Australians
South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute

Tesfahun is a Research Fellow at the Registry of Senior Australians (ROSA), South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute. His research focuses on aged care and pharmacoepidemiology with a focus on measuring and evaluating the quality and safety of aged care services. He is the lead Postdoctoral Research Scientist for the ROSA Outcome Monitoring System, a national pragmatic quality and safety monitoring and benchmarking system designed to support evidence-based quality and safety improvement in aged care.

Q&A Session facilitated by:

Dr Kate Wang 
Lecturer, Early Career Development Fellow Pharmacy
Applied Health School of Health and Biomedical Sciences
RMIT University

Kate is a Lecturer and Early Career Development Fellow at RMIT University and a Research Pharmacist at Alfred Health. She is also an adjunct Senior Lecturer at the University of Western Australia. She completed her PhD from Monash University's Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2020. Kate is a registered pharmacist and has worked as in both community and hospital pharmacy. Her research interests include aged care, pharmacy practice, pharmacoepidemiology and digital health. 

Wednesday, 18 October 2023
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm AEDT
AAG Members free - ANZSGM & NZAG Members free with code - $50 non AAG Members
