
Nourishing Wisdom: Nutrition for Older Adults

Nourishing Wisdom: Nutrition for Older Adults

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available to all 
registrants subsequently
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anyway so that you receive that link

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restricted to AAG members or webinar registrants

AAG Queensland Division Presents:
Nourishing Wisdom: Nutrition for Older Adults 

Within Australia, there has been growing interest in food and nutrition for older adults, particularly those living in residential aged care. Poor nutrition can have severe consequences for older adults, impacting their overall health and quality of life.

This webinar will highlight the importance of nutrition for older adults and explore the strengths and challenges of supporting the nutritional needs of older adults in multiple settings including hospital, community and residential aged care.

  • Understand the importance of nutrition for older adults
  • Understand the diverse settings which support older adults’ nutrition 
  • Consider the strengths and challenges in current systems in Australia

Hear from our speakers

Dr Karen Abbey
Director of Nutrition & Catering Consultancy Pty Ltd (NACC)
Dr Karen Abbey is a Food Service Dietitian and Special Dietary Chef and has worked extensively across the food service sectors both here and internationally. Karen is the Director of Nutrition and Catering Consultancy, promoting quality in food service systems, training, menu planning, recipe development and finding practical solutions for those in care, working with foodservices and the food manufacturing industry. Karen has over 25 years of working in aged care supporting foodservices. Karen is the creator of the Nutrition and Catering Global Hub Newsletter, Training, Resource & Recipes Centre.



Dr Adrienne Young
Advanced Accredited Practicing Dietitian
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital and a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland. 
Adrienne is an Advanced Accredited Practicing Dietitian at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital and a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland. Her research to date has focused on improving nutrition care of older inpatients, with increasing attention to co-designing these improvements with patients and their families.



Sharon Lawrence 
Accredited Practising Dietitian
Sharon Lawrence is an Accredited Practising Dietitian with over 25 years’ experience advocating for improved nutrition in aged care in the home and community care environment. During this time, she worked as a Commonwealth Home Support Dietitian for 13 years and was the Dietitians Australia representative on National Aged Care Alliance for 8 years. Sharon also represented Dietitians Australia on the Commonwealth Home Support Program Meal Review Committee, the redesign of the certificate IV in Ageing Support, and many My Aged Care co-design workshops. Further to this, Sharon was a member of the steering committee overseeing the development of National Meal Guidelines and most recently represented Dietitians Australia as a witness at the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Sharon is currently an independent board member of NSW Meals on Wheels Association and an active member of Dietitians Australia Aged Care Reference Group.

Co-convened by:

Dr Mikaela Wheeler
School of Public Health
The University of Queensland
Dr Mikaela Wheeler is a lecturer in the School of Public Health, at The University of Queensland and has clinical and research expertise as a dietitian-nutritionist in residential aged care and community settings. Using mixed methods and co design methodology, her research focuses on improving the lives of older people through system design to tackle imminent problems including poor nutrition, social isolation, loneliness, and specialist care for people living with dementia. In her teaching, Mikaela delivers courses in chronic disease, nutrition across the lifespan and public health.


Karly Bartrim
Lecturer in Nutrition and Dietetics
The University of Queensland

Karly is a lecturer in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Queensland with previous experience as an aged care Dietitian. Karly has a passion for improving the aged care sector. She is near completion of her PhD titled, “Are we ready for the future? An exploration of Australian dietitians' competence, preparedness and experiences working in aged care.” Her research focuses on the aged care workforce, nutrition care in aged care and nutrition for healthy ageing. 




Tuesday, 27 August 2024
11:00 am to 12:00 pm AEST
AAG Members free - ANZSGM & NZAG Members free with code - $50 non AAG Members
